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Source: Univ. of Penn. - PSB  

Primary Works

The good earth. NY: Grossett & Dunlap, 1931. PS3503 .U198 G6

All men are brothers. Shui hu chuan, translated from the Chinese by Pearl S. Buck. 2 vols. NY: The John Day Company, 1933. PL2694 .S5 E5 1933

Fighting angel; portrait of a soul. NY: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1936. BV3427 .S85 B8

The exile. NY: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1936. BV3427 .S852 B8

The patriot. NY: The John Day Company, 1939. PS3503.U198 P3

The Chinese novel; Nobel lecture delivered before the Swedish Academy at Stockholm, December 12, 1938. NY: John Day 1939. PL2936 .B8 1939a

Dragon seed. NY: The John Day Company, 1942. PS3503 .U198 .D7

American unity and Asia. NY: John Day Company, 1942. D743.9 .B8 1942b

Sons. Cleveland: World Pub. Co., 1948, 1932. PS3503.U198 .S6

Pavilion of women. NY: The John Day Company, 1946. PS3503 .U198 .P38

Peony. NY: J. Day Co, 1948. PS3503 .U198 .P4

Kinfolk. NY: J. Day Co, 1949. PS3503 .U198 .K5

My several worlds, a personal record. NY: Day, 1954. PS3503.U198 Z5

Johnny Jack and his beginnings. illustrated by Kurt Werth. NY: J. Day Co, 1954. Juv / Easy B922 j

Imperial woman; a novel. NY: J. Day Co, 1956. PS3503 .U198 .I4

American triptych; three "John Sedges" novels. NY: J. Day Co, 1958. PS3503 .U198 .A7

The Christmas ghost. Illustrated by Anna Marie Magagna. NY: J. Day, 1960. Juv / Fiction B922 c

A bridge for passing. NY: John Day Co, 1962. PS3503.U198 Z53

The living reed, a novel. NY: John Day Co, 1963. PS3503.U198 L5

For spacious skies; journey in dialogue. with Theodore F. Harris. NY: John Day Co, 1966. PS3503.U198 Z535

The time is noon; a novel. NY: John Day Co, 1967, 1966. PS3503 .U198 T5

Pearl S. Buck; a biography. by Theodore F. Harris in consultation with Pearl S. Buck. 2 vols. NY: John Day Co. 1969-71. PS3503 U198 Z69

Mandala. NY: John Day Co, 1970. PS3503.U198 M3

A community success story; the founding of the Pearl Buck Center. by Pearl S. Buck. Based on material prepared by Elisabeth Waechter. With photos. by Peter J. Robinson. NY: J. Day Co, 1972. LC4661 B8

Selected Bibliography 1980-Present

Bitonti, Tracy S. "Pearl S. Buck." in Bucker, Park. Nobel Prize Laureates in Literature, Part 1: Agnon-Eucken. Detroit; Thomson Gale, 2007.

Engar, Ann W. "Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973)." in Champion, Laurie. ed. American Women Writers, 1900-1945: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000.

Conn, Peter J. Pearl S. Buck: a cultural biography. NY: Cambridge UP, 1996. PS3503 .U198 Z624

Maiorani, Arianna. "Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973)." in Amoia, Alba, and Bettina L. Knapp. eds. Multicultural Writers since 1945: An A-to-Z Guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2004.

Pam, Eleanor. "Patriarchy and Property: Women in Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth (1931)." in Fisher, Jerilyn and Silber, Ellen S. eds. Women in Literature: Reading through the Lens of Gender. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2003.

Stirling, Nora B. Pearl Buck, a woman in conflict. Piscataway, N.J. : New Century Publishers, 1983. PS3503 .U198 Z85

MLA Style Citation of this Web Page

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 7: Pearl S. Buck." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: (provide page date or date of your login).

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