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Source: The Academy of American Poets - WDS  

Primary Works

Heart's needle. NY: Knopf, 1961, 1959. PS3537 .N32 H4

After experience: poems and translations. NY: Harper & Row, 1968. PS3537 .N32 A66

In radical pursuit: critical essays and lectures. NY: Harper & Row, 1975. PN37 .S57

Six troubadour songs. Providence: Burning Deck, 1977. Case / PC3365 .E3 S6x

The Fuhrer bunker: a cycle of poems in progress. Brockport, NY: Boa Editions, 1977. PS3537 .N32 F8

Remains: a sequence of poems. Brockport, NY: Boa Editions, 1985. PS3537 .N32 R4

Selected poems, 1957-1987. NY: Soho Press, 1987. PS3537 .N32 A6

Each in his season: poems. Brockport, NY: BOA Editions, 1993. PS3537 .N32 E23

De/compositions: 101 good poems gone wrong. St. Paul, Minn: Graywolf Press, 2001. PS3537 .N32 D43

Selected Bibliography 1980-Present

Boswell, Matthew. Holocaust Impiety in Literature, Popular Music, and Film. NY: Palgrave Macmillan; 2012.

Lewis Turco. "The Poetics of W. D. Snodgrass." in Dillard, R. H. W. and Amanda Cockrell. eds. Twayne Companion to Contemporary Literature in English, I: Ammons-Lurie; II: Macleod-Williams. NY: II: Twayne--Thomson Gale, 2002.

Maddox, Marjorie and Jerry Wemple. eds. Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP. 2005.

Raisor, Philip. ed. Tuned and under Tension: The Recent Poetry of W. D. Snodgrass. Newark, DE: U of Delaware P, 1998.

Ridley, Annie, Crane Finch, and Kathrine L. Varnes. eds. An Exaltation of Forms: Contemporary Poets Celebrate the Diversity of Their Art. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2002.

MLA Style Citation of this Web Page

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 10: W. D. Snodgrass." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: (provide page date or date of your login). 

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