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Source: Modern American Poetry - RD 

Primary Works

The opening of the field. NY: Grove P, 196O. PS3507.U629 O6

Medea at Kolchis; the maiden head. Berkeley: Oyez, 1965. PS3507.U629 M4

Of the war: passages 22-27. Berkeley: Oyez, 1966. PS3507.U629 O42

Play time, pseudo stein. S.n. Tenth Muse, 1969. Case / PS3507 .U629 P55

Caesar's gate: poems 1949-50. with paste-ups by Jess. s.l. Sand Dollar, 1972. PS3507.U629 C3

Selected poems by Robert Duncan. San Francisco, City Lights Books. Millwood, NY: Kraus Reprint Co., 1973, 1959. PN6101 .P462 v.2 no.8-14,Suppl.

An ode and Arcadia. Berkeley: Ark P, 1974. PS3507.U629 O3

Medieval scenes 1950 and 1959. Kent, Ohio: The Kent SU Libraries, 1978. Case / PS3507.U629 M43

The five songs. Glendale, CA: Reagh, 1981. Case / PS3507 .U629 F5

Ground work: before the war. NY: New Directions Pub. Corp., 1984. PS3507 .U629 G7

Ground work II: in the dark. Ny: New Directions Pub. Corp., 1987. PS3507 .U629 G69

Ground Work. Palmer, Michael (introd.); Bertholf, Robert J.; Maynard, James. NY: New Directions, 2006.

Selected Bibliography 1980-Present

Fox, Willard, III. Robert Creeley, Edward Dorn, and Robert Duncan: A Reference Guide. Boston: Hall, 1988.

Gelpi, Albert and Bertholf, Robert J. eds. Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov: The Poetry of Politics, the Politics of Poetry. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 2006.

Jarnot, Lisa. Robert Duncan: The Ambassador from Venus: A Biography. Berkeley: U of California P, 2012.

Keenaghan, Eric. Queering Cold War Poetry: Ethics of Vulnerability in Cuba and the United States. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2009.

Nichols, Miriam. Radical Affections: Essays on the Poetics of Outside. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2010.

O'Leary, Peter. Gnostic Contagion: Robert Duncan and the Poetry of Illness. Middletown: Wesleyan UP, 2002.

Paul, Sherman. The Lost America of Love: Rereading Robert Creeley, Edward Dorn, and Robert Duncan. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1981.

MLA Style Citation of this Web Page

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 10: Robert Duncan." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: (provide page date or date of your login). 

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