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Selected Bibliography 2000-2010

Aldama, Frederick L. Brown on Brown: Chicano/a Representations of Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity. Austin: U of Texas P, 2005.

Aranda, José F., Jr. When We Arrive: A New Literary History of Mexican America. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 2003.

Avalos, Hector. Strangers in Our Own Land: Religion in Contemporary U.S. Latina/o Literature. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2005.

Calderón, Héctor. Narratives of Greater Mexico: Essays on Chicano Literary History, Genre, and Borders. Austin: U of Texas P, 2004.

Contreras, Daniel T. Unrequited Love and Gay Latino Culture: What Have You Done to My Heart? NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

Contreras, Sheila M. Blood Lines: Myth, Indigenism, and Chicana/o Literature. Austin: U of Texas P, 2008.

Earle, Peter G. The Writer's Experience: Essays on Self and Circumstance in the Hispanic Literatures. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2006.

Flores, Yolanda. The Drama of Gender: Feminist Theater by Women of the Americas. NY: Peter Lang, 2000.

Foster, David W. El ambiente nuestro: Chicano/Latino Homoerotic Writing. Tempe: Bilingual/Bilingue, 2006.

Fregoso, Rosa L. Mexicana Encounters: The Making of Social Identities on the Borderlands. Berkeley: U of California P, 2003.

Habell-Pallán, Michelle. Loca Motion: The Travels of Chicana and Latina Popular Culture. NY: New York UP, 2005.

Hebebrand, Christina M. Native American and Chicano/a Literature of the American Southwest: Intersections of Indigenous Literature. NY: Routledge, 2004.

Herrera Postlewate, Marisa. How and Why I Write: Redefining Hispanic Women's Writing and Experience. NY: Peter Lang, 2003.

Kanellos, Nicolás. Hispanic Literature in the United States: A Comprehensive Reference. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2003.

Kaup, Monika. Rewriting North American Borders in Chicano and Chicana Narrative. NY: Peter Lang, 2001.

Kevane, Bridget. Latino Literature in America. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2003.

Lima, Lázaro. The Latino Body: Crisis Identities in American Literary and Cultural Memory. NY: New York UP, 2007.

Martín-Rodríguez, Manuel M. Life in Search of Readers: Reading (In) Chicano/a Literature. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico, P 2003.

McClennen, Sophia A. The Dialectics of Exile: Nation, Time, Language, and Space in Hispanic Literatures. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2004.

Mendoza, Louis G. Historia: The Literary Making of Chicana and Chicano History. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2001.

Nericcio, William A. Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the Mexican in America. Austin: U of Texas P, 2007.

Pérez Firmat, Gustavo. Tongue Ties: Logo-Eroticism in Anglo-Hispanic Literature. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Sánchez, Marta E. 'Shakin' Up' Race and Gender: Intercultural Connections in Puerto Rican, African American, and Chicano Narratives and Culture. Austin: U of Texas P, 2005.

Sandín, Lyn D. Killing Spanish: Literary Essays on Ambivalent U. S. Latino/a Identity. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Sotelo, Susan B. Chicano Detective Fiction: A Critical Study of Five Novelists. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2005.

Tatum, Charles M. Chicano and Chicana Literature: Otra voz del pueblo. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 2006.

Villa, Raúl H. Barrio-Logos: Space and Place in Urban Chicano Literature and Culture. Austin: U of Texas P, 2000.

| Top | Selected Bibliography 2011-Present

Acuña, Rodolfo F. The Making of Chicana/o Studies: In the Trenches of Academe. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2011.

Bebout, Lee. Mythohistorical Interventions: The Chicano Movement and Its Legacies. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2011.

Coronado, Raúl. A World Not to Come: A History of Latino Writing and Print Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2013.

DeGuzmán, María. Buenas Noches American Culture: Latina/o Aesthetics of Night. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2012.

Delgadillo, Theresa. Spiritual Mestizaje: Religion, Gender, Race, and Nation in Contemporary Chicana Narrative. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2011.

Hamilton, Patrick L. Of Space and Mind: Cognitive Mappings of Contemporary Chicano/a Fiction. Austin: U of Texas P, 2011.

López, Marissa K. Chicano Nations: The Hemispheric Origins of Mexican American Literature. NY: New York UP, 2011.

Martinez-Cruz, Paloma. Women and Knowledge in Mesoamerica: From East L.A. to Anahuac. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 2011.

Meléndez, A. Gabriel. Hidden Chicano Cinema: Film Dramas in the Borderlands. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2013.

Ontiveros, Randy J. In the Spirit of a New People: The Cultural Politics of the Chicano Movement. NY: New York UP, 2013.

Sheffer, Jolie A. The Romance of Race: Incest, Miscegenation, and Multiculturalism in the U. S., 1880-1930. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2013.

Sisk, Christina L. Mexico, Nation in Transit: Contemporary Representations of Mexican Migration to the United States. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 2011.

Urquijo-Ruiz, Rita E. Wild Tongues: Transnational Mexican Popular Culture. Austin: U of Texas P, 2012.

Vivancos Pérez, Ricardo F. Radical Chicana Poetics. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Walker, Madeline R. The Trouble with Sauling Around: Conversion in Ethnic American Autobiography, 1965-2002. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2011.

MLA Style Citation of this Web Page

Reuben, Paul P. "PAL: Appendix B: Hispanic and Mexican-American Studies." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: (provide page date or date of your login).

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